fünf Minuten Meditation Deutsch


five minutes meditation English



Neuroscientific studies have shown that practitioners of regular mindfulness training such as meditation and focus exercises observe stress-reduction and an increase of general wellbeing.


One important benefit of mindfulness is that we become better communicators as we can change from reacting emotionally to conscious action and communication. Mindfulness exercises promote empathy and a change in perspective. I believe that these form the basis for good relationships and for successful leadership.


Elements of mindfulness are integrated into my coaching and training, so that strategies learned from my sessions can successfully be transferred into your workplace and personal life.



“Jane has a kind, competent and gentle style. Our group was expertly led. With Jane’s help we left our stresses behind and were taken to a harmonious, calm and focused place. We feel more connected to ourselves, to our goals and to each other. She has great timing for when we were ready for which content. Thank you, Jane!”
Professor Heather Hofmeister, Goethe University Frankfurt


„…the mindfulness class was an oasis of peace and quiet in my hectic world.
I now know how to create these pockets in my everyday life to stay sane!“
Sandra M.– Deutsche Bank


“Ein Training zum Augen-öffnen und zur Fokussierung auf das eigene “Well-being”. Sehr informativ und lehrreich. Total empfehlenswert.”
Paul S., Goethe Universität